Saturday, December 1, 2018

CT-1 and MID-1 Questions From UNIT-I

  1. Discuss the generations of computers based on the development technologies used to fabricate the processors, memories and I/O units. (OR)  Discuss various computer types with their applications in real world environment.
  2. “System software is responsible for coordination of all activities in a computing system”-Justify this statement with the functionalities of it.
  3. Suppose two numbers located in memory are to be added. What are the functional units of digital computer system will carry out this? Explain how.
  4. What is a bus? Explain single bus and multiple bus structure used to interconnect functional units in the computer system.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Fetch Decode Execute Cycle in more detail  (Animation)

Fetch-Decode Execute Life Cycle (Animation)

Try to under stand the purpose and meaning of registers.  The complete concept is repeated at UNIt-4

UNIT-I Lecture Notes/PPT

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Unit - 4 Important Questions

  1. What is a deadlock? Consider the deadlock situation that could occur in the dining philosopher’s problem when the philosophers obtain the chopsticks one at a time. Discuss how the four necessary conditions for deadlock indeed hold in this setting. What are the solutions for this problem?
  2. Explain Deadlock Detection scheme for Several Instances of a resource Type.
  3. What is Producer Consumer problem? How it can illustrate the classical problem of synchronization? Explain. 
  4. What is monitor? Explain its functionalities. How it is different from semaphore in implementing synchronization. 
  5. What is a semaphore? List the types of semaphores and Show that, if the wait() and signal() semaphore operations are not executed atomically, then mutual exclusion may be violated. 
  6. How to implement process synchronization using i)Test and Set ii) SWAP iii)  Lock instructions? Explain with Pseudo code.
  7. Explain deadlock avoidance using banker’s algorithm with suitable example.
  8. How to Recover From Deadlock situations? Discuss in detail. (OR) Explain recovery from deadlock after detection.
  9. Explain deadlock avoidance process using Resource-Allocation-Graph. 
  10. What is Peterson’s Solution? Discuss the Critical Section problem using Peterson’s Solution.
  11. Discuss deadlock avoidance using Resource-Allocation-Graph Algorithm.
  12. Explain Deadlock detection algorithm with an example.
  13. Explain the Resource-Allocation Graph Algorithm for deadlock prevention.
  14. Discuss the necessary conditions that cause deadlock situation to occur.
  15. Is it possible to have a deadlock involving only a single process? Explain. 
  16. How does deadlock avoidance differ from deadlock prevention? Write about deadlock avoidance algorithm in detail.
  17. Discuss the necessary conditions that cause deadlock situation to occur.
  18. Discuss various methods for the prevention of deadlocks.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

All the students of III B.Tech - I SEM are requested to submit the Assignment on or before 17-07-18, 2.00 PM.

Assignment Questions
  1. Compare and contrast thread and process. Discuss Multithreading Models with neat diagrams.
  2. Discuss the following? a) CPU-I/O burst cycle b) CPU schedule c) Pre-emptive and non-preemptive scheduling d) Dispatcher
Class Test Questions 
(Date of Exam :A Sec-21-07-18 B Sec- 17-07-18)
  1. With the help of a state transition diagram, explain various states of a process. 
  2. Write in detail about the thread libraries.
  3. Write in detail about the thread libraries.
  4. Discuss any two preemptive scheduling algorithms with suitable examples.
  5. Discuss the following CPU scheduling algorithms with suitable examples a) Priority b) Multilevel- queue scheduling c) Multi-level feedback queue scheduling 
  6.  Explain the concept of multi-threading? Discuss the following multithreading models.            a) Many-to-one b) One-to-one c) Many-to-many d) Two-level.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Unit-1 Lecture Notes ( Chapter-1 ,  Chapter-2 & Chapter-3)
All the students are requested to submit the assignment on 22-06-18, before 2.00 PM.

Assignment Questions:
  1. What is an Operating System? Services provided by Operating System
  2. What is an Interrupt? How to Handle interrupt by an Operating System

CLass Test Timings :
For 'A' Section - 23-06-2018 2.00 to 2.50 PM and For 'B' Section - 26-06-2018 - 2.00 to 2.50 PM